Monday, 5 January 2009

New year, new post

I thought it might be time that I put finger (well, fingers) to keyboard and tapped out a new post. December came and went with the usual fuss and bother, fun, food and presents. A lot of my spare time went missing and as the year drew closer to a close my batteries were pretty much hitting empty. So it was good to take a break for a while, enjoy the holidays and then return ready and revitalised for 2009.

So here I am, with only slight progress having been made in some ways but lots of progress in other ways.

WoW - So right up front, let's get it out of the way - I'm not 80 yet. My 'lock is sat happily (or as happy as 'locks get) at mid-75. The more I thought about it, the more I realised that while I'm looking forward to doing heroics at 80 that's probably about as far as I'm willing to take things. I will probably run Naxx a few times just to say I've done it but once that's done I think I'll be more inclined to level up another character than run raids constantly. With that I realised that there really wasn't any rush to 80 for me - the content that I'll be experiencing at 80 is likely to remain pretty much constant from now till when the next expansion launches. :) In that spirit I've started a Paladin, been levelling my Shammy and I'm considering starting a Death Knight pretty soon as well. In other words, I've had a bit of a dose of alt-itis. :) I'm also considering transferring my hunter over to my main server - just can't get it out of my mind that £15 is just a little too expensive though, nearly 2 months subs...we'll see...

EQ2 - My monk hit 42 or 43, I think. However, I found out that one of the guys I work with plays on the same server as me and so I started a Wizard and joined his guild - which, oddly, turned out to be the same guild that I used to belong too about a year ago before I had to stop playing the game for a bit. So it was really nice to rejoin and say hello again - they're a really friendly and helpful bunch. I've been enjoying it so much that my Wizard has become my main and is now sitting at 28 as of last night.

EVE - A new addition to the list, a few other guys at work had picked it up and started playing again and I was feeling tempted because of that and then CCP sealed the deal by offering a chunk of free play time. That was all I needed to cave in and sign up again. I'm still finding my feet somewhat in the deep deep pool that is EVE but I'm having fun learning new things and approaching the game from a industrial angle rather than the usual pew pew.

Other stuff - I've been trying out a bunch of free to play MMOs - just to see what they were like, I'll right a fully featured post when I've got time but suffice to say there were a few pleasant surprises in there. Nothing ground breaking but given the appropriate expectations there is more fun to be found here than you might expect. :) I'm also considering moving the blog from its current home and actually doing things properly using Wordpress - I'm not sure yet what that entails and what it might cost but it does seem that almost all the other blogs out there use it and they look great and way better than mine. Plus I'm hoping that there might be a way there to better join in the community. If anyone has any advice on this it'd be muchly appreciated.

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